Random Thought

"I will not accept second-place for the United States of America." ...President Barack Obama

Alan and Sharon Kline's website

Alan and Sharon Kline's website

North English
My grandmother grew up in North English, in Iowa county, on state highway 149 southwest of Iowa City, but I don't know a great deal about the town itself. About all I can offer here is the description from the postcards themselves--not much to go with. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

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file icon 1-Bird's Eye view 06/18/2009
A "bird's-eye" view of North English, with the Milwaukee Road depot in the left center. If you look carefully, you can see a number of livestock cars behind and near the depot.
The brick and tile factory in North English.
file icon 3-Main Street 06/18/2009
A view of the east side of Main Street.
file icon 4-Dunkard Church 06/18/2009
The Dunkard Church of North English, a simple frame structure.
The Christian Church of North English, a much more substantial brick building.
A more acute view of one end of the Christian Church.
A view of the Christian Church from the opposite end.
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